
The Power of Email Programs to Engage HCPs

Written by
Mads Krogh Petersen
The Power of Email Programs to Engage HCPs

HCPs prefer emails to sales rep visits

Email is an effective channel to reach healthcare professionals including general practitioners, specialists, nurses and carers.

Market research indicates uniformly that email is a preferred channel for HCPs to receive materials from pharmaceutical companies.

- “60% of HCPs prefer to receive info via email.”*

- “53% prefer to receive information via email instead of via sales reps and websites.”**

- Email is a top 3 preferred channel among HCPs worldwide. ***

And the Healthcare industry is not alone. 25% of marketers say email provides the highest ROI of any marketing channel their companies use.****

Email is experienced in stages

"Personalized emails" work better than “email blasts”

To increase the impact of emails to HCPs, personalization is a key component.
Research shows that personalization can increase conversion rate and influence by a factor 6. **** 

You can segment an audience by presenting a range of articles that are designed to appeal uniquely to a particular segment, stage of journey or TA interest and tagging people based on the article they chose to read.
Personalization can be exectured via CRM data and/or "self selection" wherever a given marketing piece is promoted.

A series of personalized emails work best

It takes multiple“touches” for an HCP to act on a given marketing message. For example, for 57% of HCPs, it takes 2-3 interactions*.

Present content aligned to the HCP decision journey balancing the provision of useful information in the emai itself and driving a click to website / landing page

Content should be rich within the email themselves, however to maximize influence, it is important to drive "mature" HCPs to the requisite site for further info, call to action and enrichment of their profile within CRM.

Goal: Continue the story from the email and provide clear next steps (either more content or contact a sales rep)

Email marketing automation allowing for a series of personalized emails in the form of a dialogue as the HCP moves along the Customer Decision Journey is a key enabler of the potential of email programs.

With identification and segmentation, you are able to build a profile of the interests and focus of the HCPs in our database. There are anumber of approaches to personalized email which enable us to both communicate in are levant and engaging way, but also to collect more enriching data about the HCPs based on the ways they respond to the emails.

Respect that the modern HCP is a Do-It-Yourself HCP

In sum, HCPs are finding answers to their pharma related questions on their own as sales rep contact declines******. And this trend is going to continue as we increasingly do not go online, but live online. Thus, an email marketing program is key component in the multi channel engagement strategy for the marketeer in a pharmaceutical company.


*”HCPs OK with emails from marketers”

** Agnitio

*** The Digital Savvy

 **** Is Email Marketing Still Effective? Uhh…YEAH!

 *****Guide to Digital engagement, Veeva 2019

 ****** More do-it-yourself docs are finding pharma answerson their own as sales rep contact declines

Written by

Mads Krogh Petersen

President and Co-Founder

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